Friday, February 12, 2010

Random thought for the day.... Dust.

Over the years my room has collected a lot of dust. I dust constantly, vacuum the dust, and wipe the dust. However, it always comes back within a few days. This is a problem for me, because I have a lot of electronic equipment in my room. Dust inside of electronics is not a good thing. About once a week I will use a can of compressed air on my surround sound receiver, Blu-ray player, and DVR. I have also started to clean out my Mac Pro on a monthly basis. I usually lug my PC to my garage and use an air compressor to clean it out. I don't worry much about the PC, because I have installed several dust filters over the fans.

I have no clue where this dust comes from, because I am constantly cleaning it up. My parents bought me an air purifier device for Christmas. It has relieved the problem, but only by a little bit. It is a tower-like device that stands about three feet tall. It is supposed to run 24/7, but I don't like to run it when no one is home. The dust keeps collecting in my room, and I hate it. I feel like a clean freak, because I am constantly cleaning dust in this room.

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