Thursday, January 14, 2010


Avatar. Avatar. Avatar!! The world is in an Avatar frenzy. This movie seems to be sweeping the nation by storm. I must admit, I have not seen the movie yet. Perhaps, this might be due to all the hype. Just the other day I tuned in to my favorite radio station, 97.1 The Ticket. My favorite program was on, Middays with Karsch and Anderson. It seemed like they spent the entire show talking about Avatar. Almost every caller was calling in to talk about the movie. Several callers brought up the reason why I have not seen the film yet. This reason is the plot.

I don't go to movies just to see fancy special effects. Movies, to me, are all about telling a story. The story of Avatar, from what I have been able to gather, is simple. It is a recycled story seen in movies like Pocahontas and Dances With Wolves. Another reason to lack of interest in Avatar is the recent TV promo. "James Cameron will change the way you watch movies," the narrator states. To me this is complete nonsense. James Cameron is not going to be remembered as a revolutionary in cinematic technology. Mr. Cameron seems to have an ego as big as Jay Leno. This is especially apparent when he shouted "I am king of the world" during his Oscar acceptance speech for Titanic. From what I have gathered, the special effects in Avatar are amazing. However, I don't think they are going to proclaim Cameron as someone who will change movies.

Time is a final reason why I have not seen Avatar yet. I have a full time school schedule, and a part time midnights work schedule. I have yet to find any free time throughout the week. Over break I dedicated myself to re-watching five seasons of the show Lost in time for February's season 6 premiere. I have only made it to season 3, and I spend any of my free time trying to crunch out episodes of Lost. It seems Avatar will be a DVD rental for me.

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