Friday, January 22, 2010

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February 2nd is a strange Holiday in the United States. The majority of Americans turn to a furry mammal to predict an end to Winter. However, there is something else happening on Groundhog's Day this year. Americans will be tuning into ABC to witness the beginning of the end for the television show Lost. The sci-fi/drama got its start on September 22, 2004. February 2nd marks the beginning of the 6th, and final season, of the show.

In my mind, Lost is one of the best shows ever produced. However, I did not get into the show until the second season. I heard the hype about Lost when it first premiered, but I was skeptical of a show based on people stranded on an island. My favorite radio program at the time, Drew and Mike on 101.1 WRIF, constantly hailed Lost as a fabulous show. I finally caved in and bought Season 1 on DVD during a sale at Best Buy. I was hooked after the first episode. I finished the season in less than three days. I quickly caught up on Season 2 by downloading it on a file sharing website. The purchase of season 1 had transformed me into a Lost fanatic. I have watched every episode sense in amazement. I do not think there is one bad episode of the show.

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