Sunday, March 28, 2010

Top 5....

In this post I am going to describe some of my favorite websites.
These are the websites that I usually have open in Firefox. They are also responsible for stealing my precious time. Time, that could be used doing more productive things... like schoolwork.

5.) Macrumors
I am a fan of all things Apple. I frequently go to the forums on However, Macrumors is also one of the best sources for Apple news. They have also been responsible for predicting updates to iPods and Mac computers. Overall, the forum consists of a great community. The members there are very helpful. They usually can answer your Apple related questions, and have helped me many times when I have had problems with my Macs. One of the best features of the website is the main page. The main page is full of Apple news, and rumors. Macrumors has risen above all other Apple rumor sites because their rumors are compiled from credible sources, and they almost always come true. (Apple tends to keep their product updates/releases a secret to the public. This is the one thing I hate about Apple.)

4.) Facebook
I think this one is self-explanatory. I made a facebook page a long time ago when Myspace was still in its prime. Myspace eventually faded away, and facebook became the new king of social websites. I use facebook for socializing. I talk to my friends from all over the country. I especially like the chat feature on Facebook, because there are no "screen names." When I used AOL instant messenger, I would sometimes get confused as to who I was talking to due to the screen names being used. Facebook is my number one source for networking with friends, coworkers, and classmates.

3.) Dark UFO
Dark UFO is a popular blog for the TV show Lost. It is most famous for dishing out spoilers. I like to be surprised when watching Lost, but I find myself browsing Dark UFO for filming updates. This site will probably fade into obscurity when Lost wraps up in May. I also like to visit it to read theories on what is actually going on in Lost. Fans can submit their theories, and they can be featured on the site.

2.) 4chan (not safe for work)
Oh boy. How do I describe this website? Pretty much anything funny you see on the internet today was born on 4chan (lolcats, rick roll, and Chuck Norris jokes to name a few). 4chan is an imageboard website where anyone can post anonymously. I started visiting it back in 2003 when I was really into Anime. Today, it has morphed into some weird melting pot of Internet culture. There really is no way to describe 4chan. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it will shock you. Not every post is family friendly, and this is apparent in /b (the most popular board on 4chan. In fact, I am breaking the unwritten social rule of talking about /b outside of 4chan). I visit 4chan to get my daily dose of lulz.

1.) Digg
Digg is probably the site I visit the most. Digg compiles what I like to call, "the best of the internet." I usually head straight for the "top 24 hours" tab, where the most popular website links of the day are compiled. The majority of these websites are funny/interesting stories, pictures, and videos. I visit this website every day, and I like it because it does the work for me. I don't have to search google for interesting topics. With Digg I can see these websites without the hassle of searching for them.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, is definitely one of the best too. There's a bunch of random things that people fail at and it's hilarious! That is, if you have a maniacal sense of humor... :)
