Sunday, March 28, 2010

From hate to love (Dr. Pepper pt. 2)

In a course of a month I have gone from hating Dr. Pepper to actually liking it.
It all started with the promotion that I talked about in one of my previous entries. I started buying Dr. Pepper to get the codes from the caps for the Battlefield game. I ended up giving most of the bottles to my brothers to drink. However, there were a few that they didn't want. I ended up drinking a few of them, and I think I might actually like Dr. Pepper.I never like it before, and it had always tasted gross. It was one of those drinks that would sit in our refrigerator if anyone actually bought it. Well, the promotion is now over. I still find myself choosing Dr. Pepper if I buy pop. I'm not sure what changed over the years. I have gone from hating it to actually liking it.

This can be applied to other things in my life. I used to never like the show King of the Hill. I would always sit through it on Sunday nights waiting for the Simpsons to come on. Today, it is one of my favorite animated shows. Perhaps I didn't understand the humor when I was younger. A lot of the humor in that show revolves around the stereotypical Texan lifestyle. I also never liked football when I was younger. I love it now. I guess life is just weird sometimes, and this is one fine example of it.

1 comment:

  1. I can drink Dr. Pepper once in a while. I never seem to have a craving for it though. Something freaks me out about the whole "23 flavors" thing.
