Friday, April 9, 2010

It's almost here....

I seriously can't wait until the semester is over. This semester has been one of my favorites, because the majority of my classes involve what I'm actually going to school for. However, I still can't wait to be free from the work. The majority of my homework/studying/stress comes from my Problems in International Politics class, which is the only non-Media Comm. class I have this semster. I have done great on all the tests so far, mostly because of studying habbits. I read the book, highlight things, and write notes in the margins (because the tests are open book and open note). The tests for this class are notoriously hard, but I have manged to pull off a 19 out of 20, and a 20 out of 20 so far. There is one more test left. The majority of the points in that class stem from the the two papers. I got an A on my midterm, but I worked to my fullest potential on it. Good grades like that are hard to repeat, and I am hoping for the best on my final paper. I have started the final, because I just want to get it out of the way. For the past month it has been like a violent storm that looms in the distance ready to sweep in. I have started the paper to get it out of the way, and focus on my other finals. The other finals involve shooting and editing a 3-7 minute scripted video in Video Editing, Writing a drama script in Advanced Writing for TV, a yet to be determined Camera for Broadcast project, and a test in News Discovery/Radio reporting. I also have a portfolio to put together to receive credit for my Quest project.

(I haven't really had a break from school since summer of 2007 when I finished Specs Howard. I usually take classes in the summer, but I still consider it a break due to the reduced amount of classes I take. )

So here are my plans for the first week of summer break. I plan to hang out with as many friends as possible. I plan to party. I plan to play computer games. I plan to watch TV. I plan to do many things that I haven't done since the fall when I fully dedicated my time to school.
I also plan on visiting the UP again this summer, and perhaps go to Toronto. I used to go to Toronto every summer, but I haven't since I finished high school in '06. The other thing I plan to be doing this summer is reading. I will be taking a literature class, and a Special Topics Apple Pro Certification class. They will both involve reading, which is something that I dislike.

Summer will soon be here.

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