Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coco's back!

Everyone knows by now (or should know) that Jay Leno returned to the Tonight Show after the olympics, and it kicked Conan O'Brien off the air. Recently, Conan has started touring America. He is putting on a show called "Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour." It won't be coming to Michigan, but I am still with Coco. The big news came last week when Conan revealed the home for his new show... TBS. Yes, the cable network TBS. I am very happy that he will be returning to the air. I do feel sorry for the people without cable, as this is not a major network TV channel. The irony out of this news, is that Conan will be bumping the George Lopez show from 11pm to midnight. Apparently, this is something that George Lopez supported. TBS said the show will begin in November. I kind of get their reasoning on not starting him in September, the month that NBC specified he could return to a competing station. TBS will have MLB playoff games, and it probably would interfere with the new Conan O'Brien show.

So, I will be tuning to TBS this fall to see Coco's glorious return. I'm with Coco, and Coco's with TBS.

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