Tuesday, April 20, 2010

iPhone 4G?

So there is news circling the interwebs of a prototype iPhone. It was found in a bar, and Gizmodo (a technology website) bought it for over $5,000. They disected it, and took several pictures. Apple recently sent them a letter where they demanded the iPhone back. Gizmodo is going to send it back, but the damage has already been done. Apple is super secretive about their products, and I'm pretty sure the guy who left this behind at the bar will be fired. However, Gizmodo asked for him not to be fired if they return the phone. How horrible of a feeling would that be.... losing Apple's prototype? Steve Jobs would be one of the scariest bosses to work for under this scenario. I mean, he makes the company super secretive, and then you forget the prototype at a bar! Products have been leaked in the past through case manufacturers, but there has never been a leak as significant as this one. Apparently, the phone was working before it was sold. The conclusion was that Apple remotely disabled it (which is scary in itself.... can they disable our phones/macs?). I may digress, but I kind of hate what Apple has become. They have turned Microsoft into the underdogs which I usually root for. Apple seems to have become the evil corporation that they didn't want to be.

I haven't really paid attention to iPhone news, because there is no such device for Verizon. However, this is one of the first iPhone stories I have followed. The only reason is because I hope an iPhone will be coming for my carrier in June. The contract is up, and I really want one.

UPDATE: Here is a link I found explaining part of the story

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